Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I "Heart" Goodies

I love all the little holidays and Valentine's Day is no exception, as you can see from the last couple of posts. And now that this is the week of the actual holiday, it's time for the goodies. And this year, a homemade card.

So first the card. You will need: fake mustaches, photo paper, card-stock, Valentine's paper, paper cutter, and two-sided tape. I bought the mustaches, card-stock, and paper from Michael's.

One day, I made all of the family put on said mustaches, so we could get an awesome picture. Before printing, I added some heart embellishments to the corners for just a little extra something, something. Then I printed the pictures out onto photo paper.  

I trimmed the pictures with my paper cutter and then used a full 8 1/2" x 11" piece of card-stock to make the whole thing more sturdy. I used double-sided tape and taped two pictures (that's how many would fit on one sheet) to the card-stock.

On my computer, I made up some notes saying, "I "mustache" you a question. Will you be our Valentine?" Then I printed and cut them out. I taped the notes to a pretty piece of Valentine's paper and then cut them out leaving a small border of the cute Valentine's paper visible. Then I taped the note next to the picture on the card-stock. Last, I trimmed the card-stock so there was a small border around the whole thing, and you've got yourself a cute homemade Valentine's Day card.

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Next, are the goodies, aka M&M Cookie Bars. These are some of my favorite treats to make because they're yummy and super easy. I'm just going to give you a link to the recipe I found because that's what I follow, plus I didn't take step by step pictures for you. The only thing I have to do differently is the baking time. It always takes about 5 mins. longer with my oven.  (And sometimes I add another 1/8 of a cup of flour if it's looking too gooey before putting it in the pan.)

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Click HERE for the recipe.

So now that the card and treats are done, it's presentation time. This might actually be the most fun part for me. I love making things look cute. Supplies needed are: Valentine's plates, cellophane wrap, hole punch, ribbon, and scissors. I bought the plates and cellophane wrap from Michael's.

Place your goodies on a cute plate. Roll out the cellophane to desired length. Cut it off the roll. Pull the corners of the cellophane together and tie it closed with ribbon.

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Hole punch a hole in your homemade card and thread the ribbon from your goodies, through the hole and tie in a knot. Using scissors, curl the ribbon and you're ready to deliver your Valentine's Day treats.

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1 comment:

  1. I love the look on everyone's faces, especially the baby's.
